Contract Opportunity for The Mainland Enhancement of Salmonoid Species Society (M.E.S.S.S)
Stream Technicians wanted for Salmon enumeration and Habitat monitoring 2024
Contract Period: August 15th – November 15th 2024
In conjunction with DFO, the Mainland Enhancement of Salmonoid Species Society annually enumerates, and monitors the habitat of, escaping salmon in approximately 8 creeks and their tributaries in and around the Echo Bay area of Gilford Island.
The Stream Technician positions for 2024 involve working in a team of 2, based in Echo Bay. The 2 Stream Technicians will travel via boat to seven streams and their tributaries on a rotation schedule on Gilford Island and surrounding mainland inlets to conduct salmon enumeration via visual stream walking surveys as well as habitat monitoring. This is a two-part contract, where 7 of the streams have their data collection reported to and funded by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) and the monitoring of 10 small tributaries of those creeks are funded by MESSS and recorded in the MESSS Enumeration Database. For 2024 there will be approximately 70 creek rotations over the span of 3 months.
Schedule: Roughly 5-7 days on, 2-4 days off. The weather, tides and rainfall dictate the schedule, and frequent schedule changes will occur through the season to work strategically with the elements.
Details: There is a lead technician position as well as an assistant Stream Technician, who will be assisting the lead technician, who will be required to provide escapement estimates in approximately 7 streams and 10 tributaries. Approximately 70 enumeration surveys will be carried out over the contract period, with between 1 and 2 stream surveys completed per day. Habitat monitoring through the collection of water quality data including pH, temperature, and dissolved oxygen will be required as well as monitoring and measuring water levels and flow, quality of spawning substrate, riparian area, and barriers to access. These stream surveys will be conducted visually by walking up streams. Minor trail maintenance may be required.
Boat, fuel and truck will be provided by MESSS
Necessary requirements for stream lead technician:
Radio operator’s ticket
Active and able to hike all day
basic first aid
at least 5 years experience running a boat
driver’s licence
strong knowledge of salmon ID and life cycles
Wildlife experience, knowledge of bear/wolf/cougar behaviour and safe interactions,
Experience with rivers and safe practices around water
Excellent computer skills
The following qualifications would be an asset but are not required (lead tech)
Wilderness First Aid Certificate(s)
Chainsaw skills
Swift water rescue ticket
Please send resumes and/or pay inquiries to m.e.s.s.s.echobay@gmail.com

2024 positions are filled. Please feel free to apply for 2025
Stay Tuned