Welcome to The Mainland Enhancement of Salmonoid Species Society
100% Volunteer-run Charity Dedicated to the preservation of wild salmon in the Broughton Archipelago and Surrounding Mainland Inlets since 1985
photo by April Benzce
Who We Are
This long-established charity, commonly known as MESSS was formed to enable interested members both within and beyond the Echo Bay Community to engage in the active enhancement of salmon on Gilford Island and mainland inlets in the Broughton Archipelago.
MESSS was incorporated under the Society Act on August 1st, 1985. Our current board members are Billy Proctor who runs a small museum from his property in Proctor bay, Chris and Hannah Bennett, owner-operators of Blackfish Lodge, Baker Island, Pierre Landry, former owner- operator of Echo Bay Marina, Irvin Speck, and marine biologist Jo Gagnon, all of whom have full time or seasonal residence in the Broughton Archipelago, and have a deep love for the creeks.
BILLY'S MUSEUM, Gilford Island